Step 1: Create Point

Set up your point in the Loyalty Admin Dashboard (LAD)


1. Sign up on the Loyalty Admin Dashboard (LAD)

The first thing you need to do to get started with qiibee is to sign-up for an account. You will have to activate your account using the activation link sent to you upon registration.

2. Create your Brand Account

Whether you start a new loyalty program or add exchange transactions to your existing one, fill in the brand details to get started.

3. Design your loyalty point and its economics

During the point setup you will define your point, its economics and also provide some additional information about your loyalty program.

Character restrictions

  • Loyalty point name: Letters, numbers, spaces allowed, max 25 characters

  • Loyalty point symbol: No special characters allowed, Min. 3 Characters, Max. 5

  • Loyalty program description: max 1000 characters

Loyalty point value (on-ramp)

The loyalty point value is the estimated cost of redemption, or the estimated liability cost for each loyalty point in circulation. If a customer has one loyalty point and redeems it in your loyalty program, how much would it cost you (e.g. 1 point = 0.01 USD). If you’re already running a loyalty program, this is the current value of your points and will also be used to set the exchange rate to other loyalty currencies.

Additional Information

Check out the qiibee Helpcenter to get additional information on the Loyalty Rewards Marketplace, Analytics, the Packages & Billing and much more.

Last updated